Sometimes you need one menu item to be different than the rest for one reason or another, or you want to add Javascript to a specific item. At times you can solve the visual part with CSS :nth-child() property and target the item you need. In the example below we are targeting the 5th element in our menu/navigation and adding some styling:
.SidebarMenu__Nav:nth-child(5) { background-color: var(--brand-color); color: var(--color-light); }
Eventually, however, you will need to put a class on a Shopify navigation item to achieve what you need. And we will, of course, use the power of Shopify Liquid to achieve this.
Here is a neat little trick I picked up from my buddy Marin.
Shopify liquid “if link.title contains”
<span class="{% if link.title contains "Shop" %} shop-btn {% endif %}">{{- link.title | escape -}}</span>
So basically what we are saying is: if there is a link that contains the word “Shop”, append a class called .shop-btn to it. If not, do nothing.
{% if link.title contains "Shop" %} shop-btn {% endif %}
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