Tailwind CSS
CSSEnvironment Setup

A step-by-step tutorial on adding Tailwind CSS to your website

* Photo by Ross Parmly Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. It provides a set of...

CSSShopify for DevelopersShopify OS 2.0

New CSS for specific sections field in the Shopify 2.0 themes

Shopify launched a neat new feature for 2.0 themes to quickly add CSS to a specific section of the theme. So that means...

CSSShopify for Developers

Append a class to the Shopify menu item

Sometimes you need one menu item to be different than the rest for one reason or another, or you want to add Javascript...


Create a smooth scroll effect with CSS only

We used to reach for Javascript to achieve a smooth scrolling effect not so long ago. Even including a whole jQuery library for...


Simplified Development or a slew of Unnecessary Classes – Should you use Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework made for building custom user interfaces. It provides a set of CSS classes generated based on...


How to change the order of elements in a container with CSS?

There are many scenarios where one would want to change the order of elements in a container using CSS, but I find I...

Shopify deprected SASS
CSSShopify for Developers

Is SASS still relevant in 2022?

When SASS burst onto the scene I was kind of reluctant to give it a try, as I am an old-school CSS guy...

Jeffrey Leung's image - thanks Jeffrey!

CSS Container queries – A quick look at the future of CSS

One of the most anticipated new features of CSS is now on the way! CSS Container Queries will allow us to style the...

4 proven ways to speed up your Shopify store.

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